Thursday, January 31, 2008

Motivation is sometimes hard to find...

It's been really cold and windy lately and just not great weather to be out. I tried to get a workout on the trainer but I have just had enough! I'm ready to ride outside whenever I want! Team drills are this Saturday and crit camp starts in two weeks. Since the Spring Fling series starts on March 1st, it's time to get the cobwebs out. It's also an opportunity to meet the new members.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Training camp

We rode 100+ miles between Friday and Saturday in the beautiful Ozarks. It was a bit chilly Friday with a high of around 26 but Saturday warmed up nicely into the 50's. I'm a little sore but that's to be expected. Got to spend some time with teammates and relax. Overall, it was a good time.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Had a brisk ride after work. Used the opportunity to visit the bike shop and get a much needed tune up on my Trek. I'll get the whole kielbasa of a once over before the season starts.
I figured if I can ride in 30 degree weather with a -2 wind chill, I can do anything! (I hope that's true).
I leave for training camp tomorrow night. Looking forward to 8+ hours of riding/training over the weekend. I'll update next week. Ciao!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow!

This is in Springdale, Arkansas last September.
That's me in third place though I won't be there
for long. I didn't get a podium finish out of
that one but had a good time.

It was cold and rainy yesterday and this morning it is cold and snowy with about three inches on the ground. Not much, I know, but just enough to be bothersome. It's 16 degrees and the warmest it will be for the week, so says the weatherman. I leave for winter training camp next Thursday so I am hoping for a big warmup by then. Rode the trainer last night and apparently will be for the next week or so.

I found more pics from last season...

Monday, January 14, 2008

And winter drags on...and infinitum

Have you ever looked outside and seen a great sunny day? That was today, except when I hit the road this afternoon it was a chilly 31 and it didn't warm up. Brrr! Got a good 10 miles out of it, though. Winter training camp is a week and half away so I need to plod on with the miles.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another good ride

This week hasn't been very conducive for outside riding. I've either had appointments in the afternoon or the weather hasn't cooperated. I finally got on the road yesterday after work and had a good ride. It was 49 and sunny when I left but when I returned an hour later in was 36 and cloudy.
Wow! What a difference that makes! If I had known it would drop so quickly I might have made different wardrobe selections. Oh well, it felt good to be out again. With the season less than two months away, I hope there are many more days like this. I really do loathe the trainer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More weather.

It seems that Kansas has no shortage of weather. It was in the 60s this past weekend so it only seems natural that it should rain and snow a few days later. The sun came out as I was getting home from work and I actually thought about going out...but the roads were still wet and the temp was in the 30's. I reluctantly rode the trainer instead. :( Checked the rest of this week's forecast and it looks like more of the same.

I've continued with the upper body workout and the pain in my left arm has subsided somewhat. I'll keep it up three days a week for a couple of weeks then increase to five until race season starts.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cool pics from last season from Haskell and Sedalia

Excellent ride!

Today's weather was fantastic for a training ride. Did 2.5 hours on suburban JoCo roads with the team. I feel strong...a good sign.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Workout woes

Started back on lifting weights last night to build up my arms and chest. Having some pain in my left arm, maybe I hit it too hard right off. I'll probably stay off my bike until Sunday's ride with some of the team. I feel better and more comfortable on the bike than I did all last season. As much as I hate the cold, it has allowed some time for much needed rest.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cold, cold, cold

Wowie! I saw a bicycle commuter early this morning, not a bad day to ride since it was 9 degrees at the time. Had a good workout on the trainer. Looking forward to the 50s this weekend.